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Weather in Tokyo and Cardiff

The weather in Tokyo and in Cardiff is very different. The weather in Tokyo is much hotter than Cardiff. In Tokyo during the summer months the average maximum heat is 38 101°F and the average minimum heat is 8 47°F. During the winter months the average maximum heat is 32 90°F and the average minimum heat is -8 18°F. In Cardiff during the summer months the average maximum heat is 33 91°F and the average minimum heat is 22 35°F. During the winter months the average maximum heat is 29 84°F and the average minimum heat is -17 2°F.

        The average number of wet days in each month is between thirteen and eighteen in Cardiff whereas in Tokyo the average number of wet days in each month is between five and twelve. Because of the in Fukushima nuclear power plant the average of wet/cold days in Tokyo is likely to decrease because and the number of hot/dry days is likely to increase because the power plant is releasing radioactive rays which are causing the temperatures to rise.

        The average number of sunlight hours in Tokyo is between four and seven and in Cardiff the average number of sunlight hours is between two and seven, this means Tokyo city is hotter and dryer than Cardiff.
